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Search the web

You can get the chat endpoint in StartKit.AI to search the web for you.

Create Programmable Google Search Engine

First create a Programmable Google Search Engine from here:

You’ll receive a bit of code when setup, but we only need the code after the cx value, shown here as 178e4942b16d24b51:

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Drop this code into your StartKit.AI .env file:


If you want to you can restrict your Search Engine to a specific website and various other things.

Get a Google API Key

Visit this page:

Click the blue button that says “Get a key”

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After generating your key paste it into your .env file:


Restart StartKit.AI

Restart the StartKit process, and now the Chat demo will be able to search webpages for you.

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If you want to tweak the search API, it’s a function you can find in /api/modules/chat/functions.js called searchWeb().